Monday, April 16, 2012

Strange Explosion in Russia

Reports of ufo activity and sightings in Krasnoyarsk Russia were followed by this unexplained flash of white light, reminiscent of the phoenix mystery flash that was caught on a traffic cam a couple of weeks back. However, this flash was much brighter, with some witnesses comparing it to a nuclear blast. Many people were horrified and shaken by the experience and there is no official explanation yet. Was it UFO related? Or something else?

UFO In Colorado

A strange glowing object in the sky captured the attention of many people in Colorado on March 29 2012. The object was filmed and was featured on the local news, due to the excitement and influx of 911 calls it was responsible for. The ufo sighting has been blamed on a reflective balloon. There were also reports of meteors in the skies on that night, but this footage is different than any of the meteor footage taken. is it a Ufo? A meteor? Or a balloon?
Are we alone?

South Korean UFO-Video from Plane

This video, filmed on April 07, 2012, was taken from an airplane flying over South Korea and appears to show a flying saucer like object outside the window of the airplane. The footage has gone viral, as some are claiming hoax, some say it could be a military drone and others believe that it could be genuine ufo footage. What do you think? Real UFO? 

Texas UFO

TEXAS CITY — While pretty certain they were part of a prank or hoax, officials still haven’t determined what created a series of red flickering globes in the sky over the city during the weekend. They might be getting some help.

A field investigator with a national UFO network said he’s opened up an investigation to try and determine what was hovering over the city’s Moses Lake on Saturday and Sunday.

The red hovering lights have been the talk of the town for days and prompted interest from UFO investigator Chuck Stansburge who handles field investigations in this area for the Mutual UFO Network or MUFON.

Stansburge said he is a retired cop who tracks down UFO sightings in a 14 county region along the Texas coast. The organization uses a website to track tips from across the globe, he said.

Stansburge said Texas records the second highest number of reported UFO sightings in the country. The number one state for reported UFO sightings to MUFON is California, he said.

According to the MUFON website database, there have been 50 UFO sightings in the state since Feb. 25, including the sightings during the weekend in Texas City.

Bruce Clawson, the city’s Homeland Security coordinator, said that while he suspects the mysterious objects in the sky were Chinese lanterns, which take flight much like a small hot air balloon, his office has been unable to confirm that theory and no one has called to admit he or she is responsible for the commotion.

“There was no threat to the security or safety of the city,” Clawson said. “And they never got high enough to disrupt air traffic, so no one will likely face any charges, but we would like to know who is responsible.”

After The Daily News first reported the mysterious objects in Tuesday’s edition, Clawson’s office has been inundated from media outlets from Houston and beyond about the lights.

The story also drew interest from people who track reported visits to the planet from space aliens. One such “passionate” man visited with Clawson on Wednesday and insisted the lights were from the ship of visitors from another planet.

“He even said he had proof,” Clawson said. “All he has was a bunch of stuff printed from the Internet.”

Clawson had to escort the man out of the building, he said.

Stansburge is hopeful his investigation will uncover the real reason for the five to six red glowing objects.

Written By:By T.J. Aulds

Discovery of Megalith on Mars

The Martian surface feature in question.
The Martian surface feature in question.
CREDIT: Image: NASA HiRISE; Arrow: 

Amateur stargazers have discovered an intriguing object jutting out from the surface of Mars. The seemingly perfectly rectangular, upright structure, found in NASA images of the Red Planet, bears a striking resemblance to the monoliths planted on Earth and the moon by aliens in the classic sci-fi film "2001: A Space Odyssey."
The object in question was first spotted several years ago after being photographed by the HiRISE camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, a NASA space probe; every so often, it garners renewed interest on the Internet. But is it unnatural — a beacon erected by aliens for mysterious reasons, and even more mysteriously paralleled in the imaginations of Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, creators of "2001"?

Are we Alone?

Chicago UFO April 2012

UFO Orbs April 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Alien Invasion!

    In 1942 a UFO was seen hovering above Los Angeles by hundreds and called the great Los Angeles air raid.

    Three months after the U.S. entered WWII as a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Navy of Japan, a giant UFO was spotted hovering above Los Angeles. The incident occurred February 24 to the morning of February 25, 1942.

Battle of Los Angeles UFO
     During WWII the sky was being watched as never before. When the giant UFO hovered above Los Angeles the military and civilian watchers were immediately alerted.

A woman Air Raid Warden eyewitness reported about the UFO:
"The object was huge! It was really enormous! It was practically hovering right over my house. I had never seen anything like it in my life!"
"It was just hovering there in the sky, it hardly moved at all. It looked like a lovely pale orange and about the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I could see it very good because it was really close. It was enormous!"

      Another witness: "I will never forget what a magnificent sight it was. Just gorgeous. And           what a beautiful colors!"

    The Air raid alarms were sounded and a total blackout was ordered. Thousands of soldiers were ordered to take their position. The 37th Coast Artillery Brigade started shooting 12.8-pound anti-aircraft shells at the reported flying object at 3:15 am. 1,500 shells were fired into the air making the sky look like a wondrous spectical.

     The UFO took direct hit after hit, but there wasn't any damage done. 

Battle of Los Angeles in the Los Angeles ExaminerThe upon UFO fired shells felt down over the entire area, there was no safe place that night. Many were injured, and some civilians even died that night. In a newspaper report eyewitnesses said that the UFO was looking like a "surreal, hanging, magic lantern." and "It was like the Fourth of July but so much louder. The military was shooting like crazy on it, but they couldn't deal any damage."

newspaper article about the Los Angeles attack
    During the incident three civilians were killed by friendly fire, another three had a fatal heart attack caused by the stress of the hour-long shooting, and buildings were hit by the anti-aircraft shells. The "attack" was first-page news in the US Pacific coast, it also gained national coverage from the media in the whole nation.

     The military thought it was a Japanese air attack, but not long after the incident the Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox said on a press conference that the incident was a "false alarm."

     After the incident newspapers published many articles and speculations of a cover-up by the military. In 1983 The U.S. Office of Air Force History considers, after an analyse of the event, the incident to be a case of "war nerves" and said the UFO was likely a lost weather balloon.

Battle of Los Angeles in the Los Angeles Times

A newspaper a day after the UFO incident, in which is claimed the alarm was real
Only the news of the war kept this event away from both the national and international media. This incident must have crossed President Ronald Reagan's mind when he warned us about an "alien threat, from outside of our world."

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hollow Earth Theory

    As science and science fiction merge, we unravel the ancient mysteries of the human experience. If indeed entities exist beneath the surface of the planet, they would not live in molten rock but in space ships. And as the tectonic plates are breaking - it is either by their doing, a knowing that the consciousness hologram that creates this reality, is ending so they no longer have to monitor from below, or they emerge as the plates naturally break apart.

     Hollow Earth Theories always propose a central sun, aliens, and mythical subterranean cities and civilizations that some believe could link science and pseudoscience if physically discovered. Glaciers at both the Arctic and Antarctic regions are melting down at an accelerated rate, which will reveal the truth behind this mystery and its metaphoric connections to other creation myths in the story of humanity's journey on plant Earth.

      According to the Hollow Earth Hypothesis, planet Earth is either wholly hollow or otherwise contains a substantial interior space. The hypothesis has long been contradicted by overwhelming observational evidence, as well as by the modern understanding of planet formation; the scientific community has dismissed the notion since at least the late 18th century.

      The concept of a hollow Earth still recurs in folklore and as the premise for a sub-genre of adventure fiction. It also features in some present-day pseudoscientific and conspiracy theories.
Underground civilizations link with the 'Hollow Earth Theory'. There are supposedly races that exist in subterranean cities beneath planet Earth. Very often, these dwellers of the world beneath are more technologically advanced than we on the surface. Some believe that UFOs are not from other planets, but are manufactured by strange beings in the interior of the Earth.

Conventional Hollow Earth Theories

In ancient times, the idea of subterranean realms seemed arguable, and became intertwined with the concept of "places" such as the Greek Hades, the Nordic svartalfheim, the Christian Hell, and the JewishSheol (with details describing inner Earth in Kabalistic literature, such as the Zohar and Hesed L'Avraham).

     Edmond Halley in 1692 put forth the idea of Earth consisting of a hollow shell about 800 km (500 miles) thick, two inner concentric shells and an innermost core, about the diameters of the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury. Atmospheres separate these shells, and each shell has its own magnetic poles. The spheres rotate at different speeds. Halley proposed this scheme in order to explain anomalous compass readings. He envisaged the atmosphere inside as luminous (and possibly inhabited) and speculated that escaping gas caused the Aurora Borealis.

       De Camp and Ley have claimed (in their Lands Beyond) that Leonhard Euler also proposed a hollow-Earth idea, getting rid of multiple shells and postulating an interior sun 1000 km (600 miles) across to provide light to advanced inner-Earth civilization (but they provide no references). However in his Letters to a German princess Euler describes a thought experiment involving a patently solid Earth.
De Camp and Ley also claim that Sir John Leslie expanded on Euler's idea, suggesting two central suns named Pluto and Proserpine (this was unrelated to the dwarf planet Pluto, which was discovered and named some time later). Leslie did propose a hollow Earth in his 1829 Elements of Natural Philosophy (pp. 449Ð453), but does not mention interior suns.

      In 1818, John Cleves Symmes, Jr. suggested that the Earth consisted of a hollow shell about 1300 km (800 miles) thick, with openings about 2300 km (1400 miles) across at both poles with 4 inner shells each open at the poles. Symmes became the most famous of the early Hollow Earth proponents. He proposed making an expedition to the North Pole hole, thanks to efforts of one of his followers, James McBride, but the new President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, halted the attempt.
Jeremiah Reynolds also delivered lectures on the "Hollow Earth" and argued for an expedition. Reynolds went on an expedition to Antarctica himself but missed joining the Great U.S. Exploring Expedition of 1838-1842, even though that venture was a result of his agitation.

     Though Symmes himself never wrote a book about his ideas, several authors published works discussing his ideas. McBride wrote Symmes' Theory of Concentric Spheres in 1826. It appears that Reynolds has an article that appeared as a separate booklet in 1827: Remarks of Symmes' Theory Which Appeared in the American Quarterly Review.

    In 1868, a professor W.F. Lyons published The Hollow Globe which put forth a Symmes-like Hollow Earth hypothesis, but didn't mention Symmes. Symmes's son Americus then published The Symmes' Theory of Concentric Spheres to set the record straight.

Recent Theories

     The Thule Society, which was well known by Adolf Hitler,reported much about Tibetan myths of openings into the Earth. There is even a theory that Hitler ordered a research journey for such an opening in Antarctica, based on a speech of Admiral Donitz in front of a German submarine in 1944, when he claimed "The German submarine fleet is proud of having built an invisible fortification for the Fuhrer, anywhere in the world." During the Nuremberg Trials, Donitz spoke of "an invisible fortification, in midst of the eternal ice."

    As the story goes ... Hitler and his followers wanted to create a race of super soldiers an Ayran race (like the Atlanteans) to rule the world. They came to this conclusion through the acceptance of many occult beliefs and practices, including the Hollow Earth Theory. There is a legend which says that Hitler and his chief advisers escaped the last days of the Third Reich by going through the opening at the South Pole (Antarctica) where they discovered an entrance to the Earth's interior.According to the Hollow Earth Research Society in Ontario, Canada, they are still there. After the war, the organization claims, the Allies discovered that more than 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had vanished, along with almost a million people, to the land beyond the South Pole. This story gets more complicated with Nazi-designed UFOs, Nazi collaboration with the people who live in the center of the Earth, and the possible explanation for "Aryan-looking" UFO pilots.
      In 2005, Steven Currey Expeditions planned an expedition to the North Pole region to explore for a possible opening into the inner Earth. Brooks A. Agnew took over as leader on Currey's death in 2006, with the plan of taking 100 scientists and film makers to the supposed Arctic "opening" in 2009.
An early twentieth-century proponent of hollow Earth, William Reed, wrote Phantom of the Poles in 1906. He supported the idea of a hollow Earth, but without interior shells or inner sun.

      Marshall Gardner wrote A Journey to the Earth's Interior in 1913 and an expanded edition in 1920. He placed an interior sun in the hollow Earth. He even built a working model of the hollow Earth and patented it. Gardner made no mention of Reed, but did take Symmes to task for his ideas. In the same time Vladimir Obruchev wrote a fiction novel Plutonia, where the hollow Earth's interior possessed one inner (central) sun and was inhabited by prehistoric species. The interior was connected with the surface by a hole in the Arctic.
Other writers have proposed that ascended masters of esoteric wisdom inhabit subterranean caverns or a hollow Earth. Antarctica, the North Pole, Tibet, Peru, and Mount Shasta in California, USA, have all had their advocates as the locations of entrances to a subterranean realm referred to as Agartha, with some even advancing the hypothesis that UFOs have their homeland in these places.

Raymond W. Bernard

     In 1964, Raymond W. Bernard, an esotericist and leader of the Rosicrucians published The Hollow Earth - The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the Mysterious Land Beyond the Poles - The True Origin of the Flying Saucers. Bernard tells stories about people who have entered the inner earth and what has happened to them. It mentions a photograph published in 1960 in the Globe and Mail in Toronto, Canada which shows a beautiful valley with lush hills. An aviator claimed that he had taken the picture while flying into the North Pole.
In his Letters from Nowhere, Bernard claims to have been in contact with great mystics in secret ashrams and with Grand Lamas in Tibet. He was, in short, another Gurdjieff. Dr. Bernard "died of pneumonia on September 10, 1965, while searching the tunnel openings to the interior of the Earth, in South America."
Bernard seems to have accepted every legend ever associated with the hollow Earth idea, including the notions that the Eskimos originated within the Earth and an advanced civilization dwells within even now, revving up their UFOs for occasional forays into thin air. Bernard even accepts without question Shaver's claim that he learned the secret of relativity before Einstein from the Hollow Earth people.

The Adventures of Admiral Byrd

    Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole in 1926 and over the South Pole in 1929. he referred to Antarctica as "The Land of Everlasting Mystery". In reference to the North Pole he wrote: "I'd like to see that land beyond the North Pole, it is the Center of the Great Unknown."

    In his diary, Byrd allegedly tells of entering the hollow interior of the earth, along with others and traveling 17 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation, and animal life. He tells of seeing tremendous animals resembling the mammoths of antiquity moving through the brush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization. The external temperature was 74 degrees F.His airplane was greeted by flying machines of a type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe landing area where he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. After resting, he and his crew, were taken to meet the king and queen of Agartha. They told him that he had been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character. They went on to say that they worried about the safety of planet due to he bombs and other testing done above the surface by governments. After the visit Byrd and his crew were guided back to the surface of the planet.
    Byrd stated that the North and South Poles are only two of many openings into the center of the Earth. He also wrote about seeing a sun below the Earth.

Concave Hollow Earths

Humans live on the interior; with the universe in the center.
Instead of saying that humans live on the outside surface of a hollow planet, sometimes called a "convex" hollow-Earth hypothesis, some have claimed that our universe itself lies in the interior of a hollow world, calling this a "concave" hollow-Earth hypothesis. The surface of the Earth, according to such a view, might resemble the interior shell of a Dyson sphere. Generally, scientists have taken neither type of speculation seriously.

     Cyrus Teed, an eccentric doctor from upstate New York, proposed such a concave hollow Earth in 1869, calling his scheme "Cellular Cosmogony". Teed founded a cult called the Koreshan Unity based on this notion, which he called Koreshanity. The main colony survives as a preserved Florida state historic site, at Estero, but all of Teed's followers have now died. Teed's followers claimed to have experimentally verified the concavity of the Earth's curvature, through surveys of the Florida coastline making use of "rectilineator" equipment.
     Several twentieth-century German writers, including Peter Bender, Johannes Lang, Karl Neupert, and Fritz Braun, published works advocating the hollow Earth hypothesis, or Hohlweltlehre. It has even been reported, although apparently without historical documentation, that Adolf Hitler was influenced by concave hollow-Earth ideas and sent an expedition in an unsuccessful attempt to spy on the British fleet by aiming infrared cameras up into the sky (Wagner, 1999).
   The Egyptian mathematician Mostafa Abdelkader authored several scholarly papers working out a detailed mapping of the concave Earth model. See M. Abdelkader, "A Geocosmos: Mapping Outer Space Into a Hollow Earth," 6 Speculations in Science & Technology 81-89 (1983). Abstracts of two of Abdelkader's papers also appeared in Notices of the American Mathematical Society, (Oct. 1981 and Feb. 1982).

    In one chapter of his book On the Wild Side (1992), Martin Gardner discusses the hollow Earth model articulated by Abdelkader. According to Gardner, this hypothesis posits that light rays travel in circular paths, and slow as they approach the center of the spherical star-filled cavern. No energy can reach the center of the cavern, which corresponds to no point a finite distance away from Earth in the widely accepted scientific cosmology.

   A drill, Gardner says, would lengthen as it traveled away from the cavern and eventually pass through the " "point at infinity" corresponding to the center of the Earth in the widely accepted scientific cosmology. Supposedly no experiment can distinguish between the two cosmologies. Martin Gardner notes that "most mathematicians believe that an inside-out universe, with properly adjusted physical laws, is empirically irrefutable". Gardner rejects the concave hollow Earth hypothesis on the basis of Occam's Razor.
In a trivial sense, one can always define a coordinate transformation such that the interior of the Earth becomes "exterior" and the exterior becomes "interior". Such transformations would require corresponding changes to the forms of physical laws; the consensus suggests that such theories tend towards sophism.

Contrary Evidence

The best scientific argument against that of a hollow Earth (or in fact any hollow planet) is gravity. Massive objects tend to clump together gravitationally, creating non-hollow spherical objects we call stars and planets. The solid sphere is the best way in which to minimize the gravitational potential energy of a physical object; having hollowness is therefore unfavorable in the energetic sense. In addition, ordinary matter is not strong enough to support a hollow shape of planetary size against the force of gravity.
Someone on the inside of a hollow Earth would not experience an outward pull and could not stand on the inner surface; rather, the theory of gravity implies that a person on the inside would be nearly weightless. This was first shown by Newton, whose shell theorem mathematically predicts a gravitational force (from the shell) of zero everywhere inside a spherically symmetric hollow shell of matter, regardless of the shell's thickness.
A tiny gravitational force would arise from the fact that the Earth does not have a perfectly symmetrical spherical shape, as well as forces from other bodies such as the Moon. The centrifugal force from the Earth's rotation would pull a person (on the inner surface) outwards if the person was traveling at the same velocity as the Earth's interior and was in contact with the ground on the interior, but even at the equator this is only 1/300 of ordinary Earth gravity.
The mass of the planet also indicates that the hollow Earth hypothesis is unfeasible. Should the Earth be largely hollow, its mass would be much lower and thus its gravity on the outer surface would be much lower than it currently is.

Seismic Information
Although not visually observable, the core of the Earth is observable via vibrations (primarily from earthquakes) passing from one side of the planet to the other. Using this method, geologists have been able to establish the structure of mantle, outer core, and inner core known today. A hollow earth would behave entirely differently in terms of seismic observations.

Visual Evidence
The deepest hole drilled to date is the SG-3 borehole which is 12.3 km (7.6 miles) deep, part of the Soviet Kola Superdeep Borehole project; thus, visual knowledge of the Earth's structure extends that far.

Hollow Earths in Fiction

The idea of a hollow Earth is a very common element of fiction, appearing as early as Ludvig Holberg's 1741 novel Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum (Niels Klim's Underground Travels), in which Nicolai Klim falls through a cave while spelunking and spends several years living on both a smaller globe within and the inside of the outer shell.
Other pre-20th century examples include Giacomo Casanova's 1788 Icosameron, a 5-volume, 1,800-page story of a brother and sister who fall into the Earth and discover the subterranean utopia of the Megamicres, a race of multicolored, hermaphroditic dwarfs; Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery by a "Captain Adam Seaborn" (1820) which reflected the ideas of John Cleves Symmes, Jr. and some have claimed Symmes as the real author; Edgar Allan Poe's 1838 novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket; and George Sand's 1884 novel Laura, Voyage dans le Cristal where unseen and giantcrystals could be found in the interior of the Earth.
More recently, the idea has become a staple of science fiction, appearing in print, in film, on television, in comics, role-playing games, and in many animated works.
The idea as also used by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the creator of Tarzan, in a series of novels beginning with "At the Earth's Core" (1914). Using a mechanical drill, his heroes discover a prehistoric world 500 miles below the surface. Lit by an inner sun, this inner earth is called "Pellucidar" due to the constant light of the unsetting inner sun. There is also an inner moon which creates a "Land of the Dreadful Shadow" by blocking the light of the inner sun for a portion of Pellucidar. Burroughs also makes use of the idea of openings at the poles, and has zeppelins travel to the interior of the earth via these openings. There are seven novels in the "Pellucidar"series.

The Elder Race - The Shaver Mystery
One of the most controversial tales of inner-Earth-dwellers is the so-called Shaver Mystery. In 1945, Amazing Stories magazine, under the editorship of Ray Palmer, ran a story told by American writer and artist Richard Shaver, who claimed he had recently been the guest of what remained of an giant race called the Elder Race, or Titans, an underground civilization that lived in caverns under the earth.
Shaver contended that the Elder Superior Pre-historic Race came to this planet from another solar system in our prehistoric past. After a time of living on the surface, they realized our sun was causing them to age prematurely, so they escaped underground, building huge subterranean complexes in which to live. Eventually, they decided to seek a new home on a new planet, evacuating the Earth and leaving behind their underground cities - a honeycomb of caves in the Earth - populated by artificial beings: the evil Dero, detrimental robots and the good Tero, integrated robots. Shaver claimed to have met the Tero.
According to Shaver, the Dero, live there still, using the fantastic machines abandoned by the ancient races to torment those of us living on the surface. As one characteristic of this torment, Shaver described "voices" that purportedly came from no explainable source. Thousands of readers wrote to affirm that they, too, had heard the fiendish voices from inside the Earth.
Despite the enormous popularity of the "Shaver Mystery in Amazing Stories", Palmer milked it for all it was worth, and more. The location of the entrance to this underground world was never divulged. Although few really believed the story, and many suspect that Shaver may actually have been psychotic, Shaver always averred that his story was true.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Alien Invasion?!



Proof of Alien Visitors in our Past!

     The photo on the top left is the Goddess who lived in Ancient Egypt named Nefertiti, notice her head. Her skull is elongated, this would lead me to believe that her brain would be much larger than a normal human's. Therefore making her extremely intelligent. Several pictures in Ancient Egypt portray some of the Gods or Goddesses with extremely  elongated heads. Is this some coincidence, why would the Ancient Egyptians make such large heads in their photos, carvings, and statues, there had to be a motivation of some kind apart from an artistic one.  The photo directly underneath Nefertiti is a skull we presume is inhuman found on the other side of the planet in Peru, right outside the Nazca lines....Coincidence ?  I think not...


    The follow picture is an in graving found in ancient Egypt, notice the hats on the two adults, could they be covering their large skulls? Notice the two on the left has an elongated skull, so do the 2 on the right. 
   We are not all that gullible to keep accepting all these foolish arguments for all these obvious alien depiction we see around the world. Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Easter Island, we have been fed crap about the origins of all these lost worlds yet we keep believing what we're told...(remember when Thanksgiving meant something completely different?)....We are told in schools that the great pyramid of Egypt took 40 years to build and it's purpose was to bury a pharaoh.  When we now know that they haven't found one mummy in any of these pyramids. Are we that gullible to keep believing these half baked stories of how these temples where constructed or what their use was?

    In Mexico the group of pyramids including the pyramid of the sun are known by people in Mexico by legend as "Place where the gods touch the earth." This in my opinion probably means that its where the aliens landed. Where they touched the Earth... Think about it....

alien photos from history

The Spirit Molecule

Just a small clip from Joe Rogans "The Spirit Molecule."   We need to wake our people up again and become one with the Universe once more.  We all have DMT in our brains even all plants and animals have DMT.  If you haven't watched "The Spirit Molecule" you really need to.  I'm pretty sure the entire documentary is on youtube.

Can we talk to Aliens? Terrence Mckenna+DMT

     Terrence Mckenna in my opinion is a genius.  He goes on in the video to describe a DMT trip in which he says he can see and communicate with other worldly beings.

     DMT has been used ceremonially for thousands of years in almost every culture around the world.  Even modern science has said that they can't find any negative side-effects of usage.  The kicker is that it is one of the most illegal substances known to man yet every single person on the planet possess this chemical in their brains.

     It is now known that DMT is released when we dream, go through intense trauma and die.  It is also believed that meditation, yoga, praying, even signing and dancing can activate DMT production in the brain.

Terrance Mckenna-Time Wave Zero-2012

For those of you who aren't familiar with Terrance and his work you may be a little taken back at first.  But in my opinion he is one of the greatest minds to walk the planet.  
Terrence's research coincides with the Mayan calendar end date of Dec. 21, 2012.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

DerinKuyu Ancient Underground City

The Above picture is a detailed description of Derinkuyu.

The Above pictures shows a moving door that can only be moved from the inside...What were they hiding from?  Who were they hiding from?  Who was down here?!

This underground structure is very sophisticated for any civilization to build, let alone an ancient one.  We have no real idea who lived down there or why?  One of the theories is that they were trying to hide from a flying enemy that's why they built this underground layer.  Archaeologists think that Derinkuyu could have have housed over 30,000 people.

Cool Ufo Pictures

Pictures of Underwater Cities...How old are we?

Underwater City+Ancient Aliens

Its strange to really think about when and where we came from.  Modern archaeologists are finding these sunken cities across the globe and its really amazing to think about because it was thought that we were only intelligent people for the last 10,000 years.  Now evidence is surfacing that we in fact were around much much longer than that, showing signs of being some what of an advanced civilization.  If they were so far off to think that we've only been intelligent for 10k years what else have they been wrong about?

Nazca lines....Ancient Alien Airfield?

    Where we the first to achieve flight here on planet Earth?  Evidence in Peru better known as the Nazca lines seem as if they are some sort of ancient runway of sorts.  Even stranger are the mysterious holes surrounding the airfield.

Archaeologist have also discovered these very strange skulls around this mysterious place with no real explanation of their origin.

Ancient Aliens

I'm not sure how many people watched this documentary but I think the entire series is excellent and I plan on posting as many episodes as possible.  What do you think?  Are we alone?

Mayan Proof of existence of Aliens

Evidence is now showing that ancient Mayans did have contact with aliens who left behind proof of their existence, according to a new documentary.
Sundance winner Juan Carlos Rulfo's Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond is currently in production to be released next year to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar.
Their producer said the documentary makers were working with the Mexican government for what he said "was for the good of mankind"..
"Mexico will release codices, artefacts and significant documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact, and all of their information will be corroborated by archaeologists," "The Mexican government seems very confident in their information..."everything we say, we're going to back it up."
In a statement they spoke of contact "between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time". In a telephone conversation they also spoke of "landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old".
The documentary is believed to focus in part on previously unexplored sections of a Mayan site at Calakmul, Mexico.  It is assumed that while exploring within an ancient temple they found hidden rooms with was is presumed to be irrefutable proof of the existence of aliens and their relationship with the ancient mayans.
The Mayan calendar ends on 21 December 2012, is there a connection?

What is the Allen Array?

   The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) is a large Number of Small Dishes (LNSD) array designed to be highly effective for simultaneous surveys of  radio astronomy projects and the SETI project(search for extraterrestrial intelligence) Which entails observations at centimeter wavelengths.

    The idea for the ATA emerged in 1997 to define the path for future development of technology and search strategies for SETI. 

   The advance of computer and communications technology made it clear that LNSD arrays were much more efficient and less expensive than traditional antennas. The final report of the workshop, “SETI 2020,” recommended the construction of the One Hectare Telescope. (1HT) (A hectare is an area equivalent to a square 100 meters on a side.)The SETI Institute sought private funds for the 1HT and in 2001 Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft) agreed to fund the technology development and first phase of construction (42 antennas). In October 2007 the array began commissioning tests and initial observations.The array is now being used for radio astronomy observations of our galaxy and other galaxies, gamma ray bursts and transient radio sources, and SETI.The ATA is a joint project of the SETI Institute and the Radio Astronomy Lab of the University of California Berkeley.

What is the SETI program?

   The SETI Institute is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to “explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe”.
   SETI stands for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. They use both radio and optical telescopes to search for  signals from so called aliens. Other research by the Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Universe aids to the discovery of extra-solar planets, potentials for life on bodies within the Solar System and the habitability of other places within our Solar System.       
     The SETI Institute’s public outreach include working with students and teachers in promoting science education and the teaching of evolution, working with NASA on exploration missions such as Kepler and SOFIA, and producing a weekly science program: Are We Alone?.